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Denis Cherie - Busy [Caveman Love 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Read online

Page 3

  Fa, like some of the old dwellers, refused to speak with her mouth and would only use hand signs. Gem’s grandmother, Pet, had taught Gem the signals when she was a child, but she did not like to sign. It was easier to use words. The gestures were slow and annoying, but if it made the elders happy, so be it. Gem and Cia spent a lot of time with other young cave dwellers making up new words for things. Because Cia was one of the smartest young women in the clan, Gem often asked for her help deciding if a word would be useful.

  Gem approached Fa’s fire without looking anyone in the eye. She squatted in front of her friend’s mother and signed, “Where is Cia?”

  Fa’s fingers flew, and Gem had a hard time keeping up with the older woman. Fa didn’t answer her question about Cia. Instead, she had many questions regarding the health of Gem’s mother. When Fa found out Ret was bleeding again, she frowned and shook her head.

  Gem was fast losing patience. She was anxious to talk to Cia. She’d thought of a word for accepting a man’s shaft and wanted to see if Cia would like the word. It was important to get her approval. The old ones said one day, depending on who she chose to mate with, Cia would be head of her own clan.

  Fa ignored Gem’s desire to find Cia and signed for Gem to join her in a cup of herbal tea.

  Gem made herself comfortable by spreading two folded animal pelts over a large rock. She left part of the pelt on the cave floor so her bottom would not get cold. She snuggled down into the furs and accepted the bowl of steaming liquid. She tried not to wrinkle her nose. The brew smelled horrible.

  Fa signed for her to drink. It would keep her health and help her sleep.

  Ah. Sleep. Something Gem had not been able to do of late. Maybe it would give her a night without thoughts of Og or it might keep the dream-weaver away. Gem dreamed about Og every night. In every dream, he was her mate. In every dream, he was about to put his man-shaft into her body, and she would jerk awake with tears on her face.

  Beautiful Og.

  Some days, all Gem could think about was Og’s man-shaft stirring under his deer-skin wrap. Too many nights, her thoughts were of Og and how large and handsome his shaft was. He wasn’t like other men in the cave who walked about without covering, searching for a woman. She’d only seen glimpses of his shaft when he headed to the scat room every morning. She often thought about how he would feel filling her woman place.

  She wondered what his shaft and creamy juices would taste like. Cia said a man’s juices tasted of the salts around the pool to the west of the cave, and it was as rich and white as Gem’s hair.

  Fa tapped Gem on the knee, and she jumped. She hadn’t realized she’d drifted off in thought.

  Fa pressed her to drink while the brew was hot, and Gem nodded.

  She blew on the liquid and took a careful sip. It was disgusting. She tried not to make a face and offend Fa. She signed her thanks and told Fa it was fragrant but strong.

  Fa’s fingers flew. Gem sat the bowl of drink on the cave floor and tried to stand up. Fa stopped her and gestured to finish the drink. Fa asked again about Gem’s mother, Ret. Gem tried to keep up with Fa, but it was very confusing.

  Eventually, Gem figured out Fa wanted to know if Tog was doing his duty to his mate. Gem told her about Hoe, but Fa waved her hand as if chasing a small biting bug away. It wasn’t important. Fa also asked if Ret had been taking the herbs she’d been given. Gem nodded.

  Fa was not happy to hear Ret was crying all the time. Crying wasted energy and did not make a woman’s body receptive to baby-making seeds. It made Fa very sad to know her friend was bleeding again. She told Gem there was nothing more she could do for Ret. She’d used all her potions and herbs. Maybe it was Tog, and if so, there would be no baby.

  Fa knew much about making babies. It was also whispered she knew how to keep from having a baby. Gem hoped the whispers were true because when she mated with Og, she didn’t want to share him with anyone for a very long time.

  Fa was the one the cave dwellers called upon when it was time for a new baby to join the clan. No birth was too hard or complicated for Fa. She knew all the secrets of a woman’s insides and had often told the women of the clan no birth was too dangerous for her to handle, and so far she’d been right.

  Fa was teaching several of the young clan women her secrets, so they could take over when she was too old to continue to help the women.

  Gem thought her mother was too old for another child. Besides, Gem liked being her mother’s only child, and Gem wasn’t too sure her father wanted another child, either. Not when he went around spilling his seed playing with Hoe all the time.

  Hoe had mated with many of the cavemen and had not rounded with a baby. It could be Fa was helping her daughter with one of her secrets. Gem was going to have to talk with Cia about Fa’s secrets.

  Cia suddenly appeared from nowhere. “Gem! I’m glad you are here, because I wanted to talk.”

  Gem smiled. “I, too, my sister.” She gestured toward Fa. “I have a hard time talking with your mother.”

  Cia laughed, and the soft trill echoed through the cave. Several men looked up from their fires. Cia was unmated but not untried. Many men vied for her hand, and all had been turned away by Cia and her father.

  Fa handed Cia a bowl of herbal tea. Her hands told the younger women she was tired, and with a short, sharp wave she disappeared into her sleeping cave.

  “So?” Cia asked, taking a sip of the hot tea. “Ugh! Nasty!”

  The two friends had made up the word “nasty” when Fa had served them a strange vegetable they had never had before. The vegetable became squishy in their mouths and left a bad taste. The word “nasty” was perfect.

  Gem took a sip from her bowl. The herbal drink was now cool and tasted even worse. “Yuck!”

  They giggled softly so as not to anger Fa. The baby in her belly made her tired and irritable. Sleep would do her good. With another giggle, Cia took the bowl from Gem’s hand and emptied it into a corner. She sanded the bowls and stacked them next to the fire-pit.

  Gem stood, spreading the pelts she’d been leaning against onto the cave floor. She held out her arms, and Cia came into them readily. They lay down and twined themselves around each other like mating snakes. For a few moments, they watched the fire shimmer and dim before Cia whispered, “Do you want me to do your hair?” She ran her slender fingers through Gem’s hair

  Gem shook her head. “Not tonight. Tomorrow, we will go to the hot pool and you can wash and comb it for me.”

  Cia left her fingers in Gem’s hair and tugged her head close. She rubbed her nose on Gem’s and blew a gentle breath into her friend’s mouth. When Gem opened her lips, Cia touched her lips to Gem’s. Pulling away, Cia asked, “Why are you here?”

  Gem smiled. “I wanted to play.”

  “So do I.” Cia’s hand slipped into the top of Gem’s covering and cupped her teat. “Nice.”

  “Um-hum.” Gem wiggled to get closer to her friend. Cia began playing with the tip, and Gem whimpered. “Wait, I thought of a new word, and I wanted to ask if you liked it or not.”

  “Really?” Cia snuggled back down next to Gem.

  “Yes. I thought of a word for a man-shaft.”

  “A better one?”

  Gem nodded. “Yes, and another word for putting a man-shaft into a woman’s secret place.”

  “Ooh. Good. I have a word for woman’s secret place.”

  Her friend was almost as beautiful as Og. She ran a finger over Cia’s teat. “I like your titties. They are so big.”

  “Your titties are bigger and prettier than mine,” Cia said, covering Gem’s full teat with her hand.

  Sighs filled the quiet as they continued to caress each other. Cia flicked a finger over Gem’s teat, and Gem moaned at the good feelings.

  “Tell me your words,” Cia said. d.

  “I think we should call a man-shaft a cock,” Gem managed to say between moans.

  Cia mulled the word over several times, rolling the sound over
her tongue until Gem began to giggle. “Cock. C–c–c–cock. C–o–o–o–o–ck. I like it,” Cia finally decided.

  Gem grinned. “I think putting a cock in a woman should be ‘fuck.’ What do you think?”

  “Fuck. Fucking. F–f–f–f–f–fucked.” Cia laughed. “What about ‘cunt’ for a woman’s special place? Do you like cunt?”

  “I like cunt very much. It is nice.” While they spoke of cocks and cunts, Cia and Gem touched one another, laughing and playing. It was the way of many unmated women in the clan. Some of the men mated each other. It was an acceptable practice. The play trained both young men and women how to please a mate, and it eased the call to mate before they were old enough.

  Cia cupped Gem’s heavy teats in her hands. “I will lick now, yes?”

  Gem nodded. Cia’s mouth was hot and wet on her titties and made her cunt ache, but as much as she cared for Cia, Gem wished it was Og sucking on her.

  How much longer was Og going to be too busy? She had thrown herself at him tonight, and he had been so rude. Was he blind? He must have seen her cunt. She had been open and wet for him, and yet he sent her away, pretending he had not looked between her legs. He had even stared into her eyes for a moment when she had first joined him at his fire.

  Only mates and warriors were supposed to look into one another’s eyes. Did he want to fight her or fuck her?

  Cia slipped a finger into Gem’s wet cunt, and Gem gasped against Cia’s smooth neck. She licked her friend’s brown skin and whimpered.

  “Good,” she said. Yes. it was good, but it would be even better if it was Og’s cock there and not Cia’s fingers.

  Cia continued to touch her cunt and the sensitive spot growing and swelling under her friend’s fingers. Gem’s insides quaked, and her cunt sucked against Cia’s fingers.

  She lifted her hips and rocked against her friend’s fingers, cooing, “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  Cia moved her fingers faster and faster until Gem was shaking, her body moving like the earth when the volcano erupted. Flowers of pleasure opened inside her, and she closed her eyes and imagined Og.

  When she caught her breath, Gem helped Cia achieve the same release. Then the two friends pulled a heavy skin over themselves, the fire to their backs, and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Morning brought with it the usual noise associated with cave dwelling.

  Several sleeping caves away, little Loc started to cry. His mother stuffed his mouth with her teat, but she wasn’t fast enough. Before long, other babies began to sob, reminding mothers they needed to be fed before anything else could be done.

  The massive cave brightened as more fires were stoked, and the women, babies slung inside carrying sacks at the waist, began cooking for their men. Soon the men would leave to hunt, and their bodies needed fuel to fight through the cold and track the animals. It would be at least one more moon before the weather would warm enough to make hunting easier.

  Gem rolled over, using Cia as a pillow, and watched the cave become a beehive of activity. Soon, Fa would kick them and order them to get up. Fa was always crabby in the mornings. Gem suspected it was because she was not resting with the baby so large and heavy in her belly. Not to mention the fact her mate used her nightly to relieve his cock.

  For the moment, Gem enjoyed the scene, and she was even happier when Og trotted past on his way to the scat cave.

  As he ran past each fire, the golden fur on his chest and legs picked up the light and made him look exactly like the god Tec crossing the sky. She sighed. If only he would come closer so she could push back his clothing and fondle his cock. Would he like the new words, cock and fuck? Would he let her touch him? Would he ever want to touch her?

  Hoe was not by the fire. She must have slept the night with Tog. If the greedy girl had been in the main cave, Gem had no doubt she would have chased after Og. Hoe made no secret of her desire for Ke’s golden son to be her mate. She told everyone any time the beautiful man’s name was mentioned.

  Gem told no one but Cia how she felt about Og. Gem decided to be brave. She sat up and pushed aside the cloth covering her teats.

  “Og,” she called out to him softly. She leaned back, resting her hands flat on the bear rug, arching her back so her titties stuck out, large and firm. She looked down at herself and was pleased to see the pink tips were hard. Og had to be blind to not notice how pretty her teats were today.

  “What?” Og stopped, his expression somewhere between curious and wary.

  Look at me, she begged silently. See how pretty my teats are this day.

  Og ignored her silent urging and stared past her, focusing on the stone wall behind her.

  Anger made her voice sharp. “Stop for a time and talk to me.”

  Og scratched his bare toe in the dirt covering the stone floor. He fidgeted, and his hand dropped to hover over his crotch, as if hiding something there.

  Gem felt a giggle building up in her chest. He was nervous! His face was red. Was it from running, or was he afraid to look at her?

  “I cannot stop today. I am busy.” He lowered his eyes to hers.

  Finally. Excitement shot through her like the pleasure of Cia’s touch.

  “Please?” It didn’t seem right a mere man could be as beautiful as Og yet deny himself to all women and all men as well. Her fingers twitched, aching to cover his shaft. If only she could tangle her fingers in the fur guarding his cock and stroke his length. She would take him in her mouth and suck him dry. If only…

  “Later, girl. I am busy.” He took off at a slow lope, and Gem’s heart flipped at the sight of his hard, muscular behind shifting as he jogged.

  Next to Gem, Cia jolted, cried out, and scrambled from the fur rug.

  Gem jerked around to see Fa’s foot raised to kick Cia again. Gem stifled a bubble of laughter. This morning had started like nearly every other, but then Og had looked into her eyes. Perhaps something else new would happen today.

  When Fa turned her angry gaze on Gem, Gem jumped up and twitched her woven covering back in place. She did not feel like facing Fa’s ire so early in the day. Fa might not use words, but she could certainly make herself clear. Laziness was not something Fa tolerated, nor did she like the young women teasing the men on their way to the scat cave.

  Gem wished Fa and Cia a good day and ran back to her home-fire before her father woke. She built the fire back up, adding several pieces of wood, and when the flame was hot, she carefully laid in a piece of black rock. The cave dwellers called the black rock coal. Long ago, someone had found the rock by accident, and now it was revered by all for the heat it gave for hours.

  Gem sat a hand-carved stone pot on the edge of the fire and began warming the previous night’s stew. She also put a pot of water on the cooking stone, and when bubbles formed in the water, she threw in the dark brown nuts she had gathered a season ago and dried. The brew simmered at the very edge of the fire.

  Tog crawled out from under the bear rug and squatted beside her. His cock and balls dangled between his legs, and he scratched the curly, dark hair surrounding his shaft. For a moment, Gem was reminded of the small furry animals living in the forest trees.

  She knew better than to laugh. Her father would box her ears.

  “I am going to the scat cave, and when I return, my food will be ready and Hoe will be gone.” Tog never asked Gem to have his meal ready. He ordered it. When Og was her mate, he would ask her to prepare the meal, and if he boxed her ears for anything, she would not suck his cock until he was sorry.

  Gem kept one eye on her father’s meal and one eye out for Og. A short time later, she caught sight of his golden body rushing past. As often happened when he was anywhere near her, Gem’s cunt became moist and hot for his cock. Would he ever notice her with the same kind of longing she felt for him?

  Hoe must have heard her moving around and clambered from under the bear rug. She was naked and rosy from sleep. Just as Og raced past, Hoe made a show of stretching and caressing her baby-fe

  Gem was surprised Og continued on as if he didn’t see Hoe’s beautiful body. Hoe didn’t seem too happy. She yanked her hunting skirt out from under the rug and strapped it on with a grunt. Gem was sure Hoe had said a bad word but hadn’t quite heard it.

  Relief flooded Gem’s tense body when Hoe stomped back to her own family fire-pit.

  For a moment, Gem thought Hoe would follow him, but she had gone home instead.

  Gem was pouring a small bowlful of nut brew when Tog returned to the fireside. “Good day to you, Father,” Gem said with proper subservience, handing him the bowl. She knew her place at this fireside, and she couldn’t wait to have her own fire because it would mean she was no longer a slave to her father’s bad moods.

  “Ungh,” he grunted in response. Tog took the scalding brew, sipped, smiled, and signed, “Good.”

  Eyes turned toward the cave floor, Gem nodded. She handed him a large bowl of stew and watched in amazement as he stuffed his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and smacked his lips.

  “More,” Tog’s fingers demanded, holding out his empty bowl.

  Gem filled his bowl once again and hoped there would be enough for her own morning meal. Her belly growled at each bite Tog took.

  Tog finished his meal, tossed the empty bowl aside, and scratched his belly, setting his cock and balls into motion. Gem would be glad when he put his hunting cover on and left the cave. She hated it when he scratched his balls and played with his cock. To use one of her new words, it was nasty.

  Tog stood and went into the sleeping cave, returning in moments, his leggings on and his hunting cover in hand. He wrapped his hunting cover and fastened it with a sinew string. He shoved his arms through the armholes of the hardened leather chest cover her mother had made for him and picked up his spear and club.

  “I will return,” Tog said.

  Gem nodded and smiled at the earthen floor. Tog’s farewell always sounded like a threat.